
    Supporting Your Favourite Causes... Your Way

    With amazing features that help you support the Causes you’re passionate about, and engage others to join you. Support your favourite Causes your way  -  how ever you’re able to help.

    Video Overview
  • Teachers - Schools - PTA/PTO

    Empowering Teachers, Schools, and PTAs/PTOs in bringing Classroom dreams to life through all kinds of support options. Easily reach out to your Coalition Partners for their help.

    Video Overview
  • Churches - Missionaries - Ministries

    Churches, Missionaries, and Ministries of all kinds can use GivingConnected to meet their needs - financially and in many new creative ways. Make it easy for your followers to support you and the ministries you represent.

    Video Overview
  • Businesses and Corporate Social Responsibility

    Businesses, Brands, Celebrities, and Public Figures may easily engage employees and fans to multiply their efforts in supporting the Causes that align with their core values.

    Video Overview
  • Neighbourhoods - Groups - Communities

    Whether it’s requests for Repurposed items, or large crowdfunding efforts, see all we can do to help your Cause increase support, raise money, save money, and engage your fans in a deeper relationship in many new exciting ways.

    Video Overview
  • 1st Responders - Active and Veteran Military

    Join in supporting your local Police, Firefighters, and 1st Responders, as well as Military Members (both Active and Veteran). Make a difference to those who sacrificially make a difference in your world.

    Video Overview


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